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November 26, 2007
YouTube, a "Terrible Thing"
Via Instapundit, I came across this idiotic post at Extreme Mortman.
His idea is that YouTube is a bad thing because it may make politicians more careful about what they say in public. No, really:
...politicians will surely become even more guarded than ever before. And that’s a terrible thing. We will have more robotic candidates and politicians — more talking points, more platitudes, more stay-on-message public encounters. And far less fun. All in fear of the YouTube upload.
Savor what we’ve got. Because by learning more now, we may learn far less real soon.
Y'know, I think that maybe newspapers cause the same problem. And cable news, it's killing those unscripted moments from candidates. By keeping them on-message all the time, we never learn who they really are.
What a "terrible thing" that instantaneous scrutiny of politicians leads them to clean up their acts.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
02:09 PM
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