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November 26, 2007
Senator "Let Them Eat Cake" to Resign
See ya.
JACKSON, Miss. (AP) - Sen. Trent Lott of Mississippi, the Senate's No. 2 Republican, plans to resign his seat before the end of the year, congressional and Bush administration officials said Monday.
Lott, 66, scheduled two news conferences in Pascagoula and Jackson later in the day to reveal his plans. According to the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity ahead of the announcement, Lott intends to resign effective at the end of the year.
No reason for Lott's resignation was given, but according to a congressional official, there is nothing amiss with Lott's health. The senator has "other opportunities" he plans to pursue, the official said, without elaborating. Lott was re-elected to a fourth Senate term in 2006.
Allah chronicles the reasons many of us will not shed a tear at his departure.
Au revoir, porky.
Update [Ace]: At Allah's link it's explained why he's resigning now-- he wants to avoid new lobbying rules, which only apply to Congressmen serving in the year 2008, which bar all Congressmen from lobbying for two years.
What a guy.
But I think this law has already served nicely in reducing corruption, if not precisely by the mechanism intended.

posted by Slublog at
09:58 AM
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