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November 25, 2007
Anyone Could See This Coming
A while back in some comments I predicted how lefties/ MSM would have to respond to a good outcome in Iraq. After years of investing their reputations in defeat, success must not be allowed to stand untarnished.
Even if Iraq became a stable democracy- if we created a strategic beachhead of sanity in the Middle East, they will have to maintain that it wasn't worth our investment of blood and fortune.
It is the last way they can still claim we lost.
This outcome hasn't even been determined yet, but the distressingly good news from Iraq has already provoked that response.
I got it wrong about the blood and money. As if lefties care about that.
It isn't just that the Iraq war invigorated the anti-Americanism that has always been latent pretty much everywhere. Far worse is the fact that—however it all comes out in the end, however successful Iraqi democracy becomes a decade from now—our conduct of the war in Iraq has disillusioned our natural friends and supporters and thrown a lasting shadow over our military and political competence. However it all comes out, the price we've paid is too high.
Emphasis me. Wars don't have only one result, Anne. A multitude of reactions and events, positive and negative, will flow from what has been put in motion over the last few years.
You cannot say 'No matter what, the outcome will be all bad,' when it comes to war. Especially when things are going well, for crying out loud.
Just as I cannot objectively call the thing victory yet, you can't objectively call it a failure until that actually, you know, happens, and the various other outcomes happen too.
To preemptively claim that a strategic success is not success, and that no one else in the world will recognize it as such, is....well, you're sounding like a desperate mud-flinging twit.
Let's just wait and see how it all shakes out, shall we, before we go crawling in supplication to other nations to forgive us our prideful transgressions.
Give the dirge a fuckin' rest, already. This is a delivery room.
(Actually, am looking forward to more of this struggling and moaning from the media lefties. It's delightfully pathetic.)

posted by Laura. at
11:16 AM
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