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November 21, 2007
Chuck Norris Says Vote Huck, Iowa Says, “Yes Sir!”
Really Iowa? Mike Huckabee?
Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, buoyed by strong support from Christian conservatives, has surged past three of his better-known presidential rivals and is now challenging former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney for the lead in the Iowa Republican caucuses, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News Poll.
Huckabee has tripled his support in Iowa since late July, eclipsing former New York mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, former senator Fred D. Thompson (Tenn.) and Sen. John McCain (Ariz.). Huckabee now runs nearly evenly with Romney, the longtime Iowa front-runner.
…The poll found that overall, 28 percent of likely GOP caucus-goers support Romney, while 24 percent support Huckabee. Thompson ran third in the poll at 15 percent, with Giuliani at about the same level, with 13 percent. McCain, whose Iowa campaign appeared to derail earlier this year over his stance on immigration, had 6 percent and was tied with Rep. Ron Paul (Tex.), who rose from 2 percent in July.
For all the talk of how Rudy could split the Republican coalition if he’s the nominee, I think Huckabee could do the same. He’s clearly a favorite of the social-cons but his big government, nanny-state tendencies just don’t play well with other parts of the base. Obviously this wasn't a big deal when Huck was a backmarker but if he wins, or is seen to win, in Iowa that will change.
With just about 6 weeks to go before the first votes are cast in what seems like an endless primary season, things are getting very interesting in both parties. On the upside, it will all be over but the shouting by mid-February, so once the actual voting starts, it'll be done pretty quickly.

posted by DrewM. at
01:27 PM
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