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November 19, 2007
8 Year-old Commits Rape?
Kids these days:
Three boys, ages 8 and 9, were being held Monday in a detention center on charges of kidnapping and raping an 11-year-old girl near a suburban apartment complex, officials said.
Acworth Police Chief Mike Wilkie said said one of the boys was accused of threatening to hit the girl with a rock before the alleged assault. Wilkie also said the investigation is "far from over," and investigators are looking into claims that after the alleged attack, the girl talked about it with her friends at a slumber party.
The father of the 8-year-old boy said his son had been falsely accused and had not had sex with the girl.
The sexual activity was consensual, and the girl accused her playmates only after her parents had learned she had sex, said the father, Brandon LeBlanc.
Am I alone in thinking that 8 and 9 is rather young for rape or, for that matter, any sexual activity? I don't really remember much about when I was that age, but I'll tell you what I'm sure of is that I didn't have, uh, "fully operational equipment" at that point (IYKWISAITTYD).
To be honest, I blame the reporter for not making it clear that some sexual activity probably went on here, but not sexual intercourse. That explains the young ages of the boys and also the apparently contradictory statement from the father:
The father of the 8-year-old boy said his son had been falsely accused and had not had sex with the girl ... The sexual activity was consensual, said the father, Brandon LeBlanc.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
02:23 PM
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