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November 17, 2007
Robert Novak: Hillary Clinton’s ‘Agents’ Are Peddling Potential Obama Scandal (UPDATED: Hillary Hits Back)
The Prince of Darkness says people close to Hillary have some dirt on Obama but aren’t saying what it is.
Allah speculates it could be stories of past drug use or less likely, the big sex scandal the LA Times was supposedly sitting on. There have also long been stories about Obama’s financial dealings with indicted Chicago businessman Tony Rezko.
Sex, drugs and money. Well, Hillary sure doesn’t want to bring 2 of those 3 up, given her own issues in those areas.
Meanwhile, Obama says, bring it on bitch…
"But in the interest of our party, and her own reputation, Senator Clinton should either make public any and all information referred to in the item, or concede the truth: that there is none.
"She of all people, having complained so often about 'the politics of personal destruction,' should move quickly to either stand by or renounce these tactics.
"I am prepared to stand up to that kind of politics, whether it's deployed by candidates in our party, in the other party or by any third party.
Hillary! will inevitably say something to the effect of, “Moi? Dirt? Why, I would never do such a thing and am shocked you would even think I would”.
So, did this thing just get interesting or does everyone simply blame it on Novak, get in a few Valerie Plame references and move on? Personally, I don’t think Obama has the guts or temperament to play hardball with the Clintons. Still, if the Hillary camp is shopping this around, they really are worried about the her performance over the last two weeks and the drop in her poll numbers in N.H. and Iowa.
Hillary as the nominee? Likely? Yes. Inevitable? Um, not so much.
Below the fold, Hillary's Spokesman fires back
It is on:
“Once again Senator Obama is echoing Republican talking points, this time from Bob Novak. This is how Republicans work.
“A Republican-leaning journalist runs a blind item designed to set Democrats against one another. Experienced Democrats see this for what it is. Others get distracted and thrown off their games. Voters should be concerned about the readiness of any Democrat inexperienced enough to fall for this.
“There is only one campaign in this race that has actually engaged in the very practice that Senator Obama is decrying, and it’s his.
“We have no idea what Mr. Novak’s item is about and reject it totally. Instead of pointing fingers at us, Senator Obama should get back to the issues and focus on what this election is really about.”

posted by DrewM. at
02:38 PM
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