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November 15, 2007
Dem Debate Open Thread
CNN will be showing tonight's Democratic Debate starting at 8pm Eastern. If there is any interest in discussing, feel free to use this open thread.
I will be watching the debate starting about halfway and catch the part I missed when it reruns later. I can't say that I'll liveblog it, but I'm sure some parts will merit comment.
Slate has a debate drinking game here. It's not very funny. Okay, it turns out that was from 2003. Wow, am I tired.
If you watch, keep an eye out for "ganging up on the poor, defenseless woman." Also, keep an eye on Blitz to see if he's asking tougher or easier questions than usual.
Update [Ace]: Wolf Blitzer is asking about driver's licenses now. Obama rejects the question, and says we can't keep being "distracted" by issues like this but then offers a "Yes" when pressed.
Edwards: Blah blah blah we need comprehensive immigration reform. Says "no" but promises amnesty so that today's illegals will be tomorrow's legals.
Dodd: Wants "clarity" and wants to "discourage" illegal immigrants, as it's an inducement to come to America as an illegal worker.
Senator Clinton: "No." That's the entirety of her quote. As they always say at that moment in a movie about Artificial Intelligence when the computer begins devouring every single work of literature and science in history, It's... learning...
Kucinich: There are no illegal human beings, they're undocumented. Dodges question. Even he dodges the question. Just keeps insisting we need a parthway to citizenship.
The Fat Rumpled Hispanic Guy Who Looks Like He's Perpetually On The Edge of Death From Sexual Asphyxia: Yes, and I did it, and it's just swell.
Biden: "No." And, get this, looks smug as he's saying it, if you can conceive of such a thing.
Good, so that's done, now I can watch CSI. Whoo-hoo! Sarah Sidle's last show, I hear. Can't wait to be done with her. I hate the way she does that fakey-British inflection at the end of her sentences and questions.
Another Hillary Dodge: Asked straight up if she supports merit-based bonuses to teachers for outstanding work -- which we can divine from her response is opposed by the teachers' unions -- she answers "I support school-based merit pay," by which she just means bonuses for teaching in places people don't like to teach, like the inner city.
The answer is intentionally deceptive, of course. Idiots -- like, for example, Democratic primary voters -- will assume from that she does in fact support this merit pay system described by Blitzer.
She answered "Yes" when the answer was really "No."
UPDATE: [Dave in Texas]
Don't watch this in HD.
Trust me.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
09:30 PM
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