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November 15, 2007
Clinton Staff Gets Sarcastic With ABCNews
The Clinton campaign must be feeling pretty set upon by the media, after their weeks of "poor Hillary" comments and their warning to CNN. ABCNews has a story on Clinton donors who had been pardoned by her husband. Clinton's staff responds:
"We have raised over $65 million from over 200,000 people," said Clinton campaign manager Howard Wolfson, adding sarcastically, "I appreciate your bringing the instance of this $5,300 and these three people to our attention."
Tactless? Graceless? Oh, yes. And absolutely tone-deaf coming from a campaign that's already been too cavalier about accepting questionable donations. It's not illegal for her to accept donations from folks who were pardoned by her husband. But it looks bad, especially since it also appears that Clinton has gained other benefits from her husband's pardon-spree in January 2001.
In August 2000, during her first Senate run, Clinton met with the Hasidic community in New Square, where many members were working to obtain clemency for four members of their community who had been convicted of stealing tens of millions of dollars from the state and federal government.
The town overwhelmingly voted for Clinton, and in January 2001, the four men were granted clemency.
Hillary Clinton's brother Tony Rodham was paid $244,769 over 2½ years by a carnival company, United Shows of America, owned by Edgar and Vonna Jo Gregory. The Gregorys had been convicted of bank fraud and were seeking pardons. Tony Rodham has said he mentioned their pardon application to his brother-in-law, who ultimately granted the Gregorys a pardon.
It's only fair that we should warn Senator Clinton: Congress is considering vastly expanding the definition of bribery when it comes to accepting favors in exchange for "official action."
posted by Gabriel Malor at
05:02 PM
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