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Iowa Shrinkage…Hillary’s Lead Continues To Fade »
November 15, 2007
Obama Supports Driver's Licenses for Illegals
Clinton finally settled on a firm no, but Obama is standing by his earlier support for providing licenses for illegal aliens. He's got a great talking point to draw Far Left voters:
"When it takes two weeks and six different positions to answer one question on immigration, it's easier to understand why the Clinton campaign would rather plant their questions than answer them," Obama spokesman Bill Burton said in a statement issued late Wednesday.
Given the widespread opposition to the license plan, I'm fairly certain this issue will sink his campaign, especially if the numbers coming out of Ohio are as common as I suspect.
That's an interesting coincidence, too. On Tuesday Quinnipac finds that Ohio voters oppose 84 - 11 percent issuing driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, and on Wednesday Clinton is "firmly opposed" to such a plan. It's John Kerry all over again.
Second tier Democratic candidate Chris Dodd agrees:
Later in the day, Dodd spokeswoman Colleen Flanagan offered a further critique of Clinton's position on the licenses. "It's flip-flopping cubed. She was for it before she was against it, before she was for it, before she was against it. It's been weeks now, and she still hasn't offered up a serious, principled answer to the question," she said.
Mitt Romney continues to press his advantage on the immigration issue. He's been throwing "amnesty" at McCain and mentioning "sanctuary cities" as often as he can. Today was no different:
"States that provide driver's licenses to illegal immigrants act as a magnet for more illegal immigration and frustrate our country's efforts to control the borders. Unlike Senator Clinton, I oppose driver's licenses for illegal immigrants. As president, I will adopt policies that discourage states from turning into sanctuaries."

posted by Gabriel Malor at
03:13 AM
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