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November 13, 2007
Reid: And Sorrow Dig Its Grave Within My Heart
President Bush just vetoed the Labor/HHS/Education spending bill because it contained "some unnecessary spending." Senator Reid and House Speaker Pelosi wrote the president a hate-letter to complain:
“Key to this dialogue ... is some willingness on your part to actually find common ground,” Pelosi and Reid wrote. “Thus far, we have seen only a hard line drawn and a demand that we send only legislation that reflects your cuts.”
In other words, the Democrats are pleading, "C'mon, make us an offer. No, another offer." After their shenanigans attempting to link this bill to the Veterans Affairs bill this is nice to see. It emphasizes the fact that the Democrats are not nearly as in charge as they thought in January.
Responding to Reid and Pelosi, the White House subtly mocked the Democratic leadership:
“The failure of Congress to carry out its basic responsibility to fund the government cannot be resolved with letters. It can only be resolved by Congress getting its work done, and not wasting dwindling legislative days on political statements and legislation that will never become law.”

posted by Gabriel Malor at
03:24 PM
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