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November 11, 2007
Bobby’s Back (Sort Of)
Remember our friend Bobby Caina Calvan who proudly boasted on his blog how he badgered a soldier guarding the Green Zone to let him in, even though he didn’t have the right ID? And the internet uproar that followed?
Well, the Public Editor at his newspaper, the Sacramento Bee, thought Veterans Day would be a good a time to revisit the incident and not surprisingly, concludes it was the fault of the mean conservatives in the blogesphere.
Armando Acuna wirtes:
What we're talking about here is an escalating, ahem, urination competition between two men in a stressful situation. Just two guys making each other mad – doesn't matter if you're right-wing, left-wing, up or down.
No, no it wasn’t. It was Calvan attempting to enter the Green Zone with insufficient ID and by his own admission trying to “bully” his way in. All while belittling a soldier for having the temerity not to know what Knight Ridder was!
And on factual note Mr. Public Editor, the incident didn’t occur because the soldier ‘questioned Calvan’s identification’. Calvan admitted he didn’t know the rules and didn’t have the required two forms of ID on him. It wasn’t a judgment call, it was a clear case of Calvan not following the rules and throwing a fit to get his way.
What’s the point in bringing this all up again? I had been meaning to check out Calvan’s blog again at some point but couldn’t even remember his name. Isn’t there some rule about not digging when you are in a hole? I guess they don’t teach that at J-School.
Michelle Malkin has a complete dissection of Acuna’s rant.

posted by DrewM. at
11:40 PM
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