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November 11, 2007
Veterans Day 2007
I was originally thinking about posting a couple of stories this weekend about modern day military heroes. You know the folks the legacy media never seems to find time for, what with their being so busy with stories of ‘war crimes’ and defeat. But quite frankly, there are far too many good stories out there for a couple of blog posts. Fortunately, others have handled it far better than I ever could, so I am posting some links to their work.
Chuck Simmins at Northshore Journal has a great run down of unsung heroes from Afghanistan and Iraq. He also has a section dedicated to the three men who have been awarded the Medal of Honor in the Global War on Terror…Army Sgt. First Class Paul Smith (Iraq), Marine Cpl. Jason Dunham and Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy.
Blackfive’s ‘Someone You Should Know’ series is simply an incredible resource if you are interested in a personal look at some amazing men and women.
Matel-in-Iraq (the career Foreign Service Officer who told his complaining colleagues about serving in Iraq) has an interesting perspective on being a civilian but living around and working with today’s military.
And Austin Bay relates a moving conversation he recently had with an Air Force pilot in Afghanistan. It's a sobering reminder of the burdens we as a nation have placed and continue to place on those who step forward to serve. Bottom line: “The mission, fuckhead, is supporting the 18 year old with the rifle.”
For all the stories of heroism we read about one emailer pointed out to me, not everyone will be called upon to render service above and beyond the call of duty. We also need to remember there are hundreds of thousands who serve day in and day out, whose names and stories we’ll never know. The quiet heroism of men and women like his son Matt. While Matt trains and serves with the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit in the Persian Gulf, his wife is back home, expecting the couple’s first child. Whether or not Matt and his fellow Marines find themselves in a combat situation, they and their comrades around the world do the work of keeping our country safe and free. They are but the most recent links in a chain of those who answered the call. Each is now part of an American tradition that dates back generations. We owe them all our respect and thanks.
On that note, there are a number of programs out there that enable you to take a moment and send an electronic ‘thank you’ to the troops. Personally, I've always felt a little ghey and uncomfortable doing this but the few servicemen I’ve known seemed to have appreciated the sentiment. So if you are so inclined, I pass along this site I found at National Review yesterday…”Let’s Say Thanks”
And of course, Project VALOUR-IT is still holding their fundraiser and could use your help.
So, to all the vets, currently serving members of the armed forces and their families here in Moron Nation and around the world, thank you for your service. It's appreciated more than you will ever know.

posted by DrewM. at
06:45 PM
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