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November 10, 2007
Steven Bochco is an asshat
This guy is is a defacto terrorist sympathizer.
..."World War II was hugely romanticized in terms of its fiction," Bochco says. "There were unambiguous villains, and the feeling we were fighting the right people over the right issues, as opposed to this war, which many people feel is misguided...
What pray tell does this fucktard find "ambiguous" about blowing up packed markets, school children, chopping heads, etc? Why are the perpetrators of such atrocities NOT the "right people" to have our armed forces engage, and why the fuck is this NOT the "right issue"?
You want to know why Over There was a bomb Steven? It was a bomb because your morally devoid terror-sympathetic mindset couldn't possibly write something that would appeal to the population in general. Piss be upon you and I hope everything your fetid black hearted hand touches in the future becomes a bomb too.