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November 09, 2007
US Govt: Ferret shit fights drug abuse
So you're sitting there wondering what you can do with a ton or two of ferret shit. Everyone has this problem of course, its epidemic. Its in the attic, the basement, the kitchen cabinets, all over the place, right? Well now the US government has figured out that you can clean out your medicine cabinet that's chock full of old drugs you might otherwise be tempted to sell on the street for some extra cash...and use up all that ferret shit in the process!
Stuff all that medicine cabinet gold into ferret shit before disposing of it. Apparently ferret shit is like kryptonite to druggies scrounging for a score in the garbage.
..."Ferret waste, like nearly any other form of pet waste, can be effectively used to help prevent the abuse of unused prescription drugs," SAMHSA spokesman Mark Weber said...
You can't imagine how impressed I am that the US government managed to solve the problem of rampant stockpiles of ferret shit and drug abuse into one creative solution like this. Pure genius.