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November 08, 2007
First Veto Override….Because Everyone Loves Them Some Pork!
They couldn’t override on stem cells, Iraq or children’s insurance but Army Corps of Engineers projects in their districts? Gotta get that snout in the trough!
President Bush suffered the first veto override of his seven-year-old presidency Thursday as the Senate enacted a $23 billion water resources bill despite his protest that it was filled with unnecessary projects.
The 79-14 vote included 34 Republicans who defied the president. Enactment was a foregone conclusion, but it still marked a milestone for a president who spent his first six years with a much friendlier Congress controlled by his Republican Party.
Now he confronts a more hostile, Democratic-controlled legislature, and Thursday's vote showed that most of the Republicans will defy him on spending matters dear to their political careers.
Hint to Republican Senators and Congressmen…when you run next year as ‘fiscal conservatives’ this is the kind of thing that makes people laugh at you.

posted by DrewM. at
02:58 PM
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