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November 08, 2007
Things Are Getting Better In Iraq…Democrats Decide To Surrender Faster
Earlier this year Democrats failed to force the White House to accept lower spending levels or time tables for the mission in Iraq. But since Democrats are as adaptable as any virus, they think they’ve finally hit on a plan that will assure their victory and secure America’s defeat.
Though there has not been an election between then and now to drastically change the number of votes in the House or Senate, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that her chamber will vote as early as Friday a new supplemental war funding bill essentially written using the same language.
The President has asked for nearly $200 billion to fight the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. But Pelosi said Congress will only give him a quarter of that -- $50 billion. That funding, she said, Bush would have to use to withdraw combat troops by the end of 2008 with the token force left behind focused on training Iraqis forces, tracking down terrorists, and securing Iraq's borders.
Pelosi said it is important for congressional Democrats to reassert their platform for a change in direction in Iraq.
Even the NY Times (link to NRO, not the Times) admits we are defeating the ‘militant groups’ (AKA- al Qaeda) in Iraq. Of course they buried it on page A-19. Clearly Nancy’s ‘change in direction’ means heading for defeat, as quickly as possible.
So, who are the more formidable and relentless opponents of US victory in Iraq, the terrorists or Democrats?

posted by DrewM. at
02:07 PM
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