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November 06, 2007
Pro-life Club Allowed at Highschool
This was on the front page of the Washington Post today with the headline "Teen Wins Fight for Antiabortion Club at School."
With prayer, persistence and a lawsuit against the Stafford County schools, the 16-year-old recently succeeded in starting what might be the region's only antiabortion club in a public high school. The Pro-Life Club, which attracted about 20 people to its first gathering, also promotes teen sexual abstinence as well as opposing abortion. Hoffmeier said her legal fight was a matter of equity.
These kinds of clubs always made me uncomfortable when I was in high school. And I was a pretty hard-core Catholic (still am pretty Catholic, just not like in highschool).
But I'm pleased to see news like this getting widespread attention. Too many people are confused as to what activities schools can prohibit.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
09:19 PM
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