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November 06, 2007
Don't Forget To Vote! (Again) BUMPED
BUMPED because we are at this minute officially tied with Michelle Malkin for first place. Now, I love Michelle as much as the next guy, but don't you guys want to make Ace cry fat, happy tears of joy?
Does it help if I tell you that moron Entropy is "such a swell guy and so godawful crazy sexy"? No?
Go vote anyway!
Original post:
Here's your friendly reminder to vote for Ace's place in the 2007 Weblog Awards.
Last time, I used the carrot and offered a hump dance from LauraW and a poem from Jack M. Today, it's time for the stick: vote now or I will complete all fourteen parts of my treatise on international law.
Ace of Spades HQ is in the "Best Conservative Blog" category.
Moron-coblogger Slublog is in the "Best of the Rest" category.
Moron-commenter Nice Deb (and she really is) is in the "Best New Blog" category.
There are others who should probably get mentioned here, but I always forget who they are. My apologies (and feel free to pimp yourselves in the comments).

posted by Gabriel Malor at
04:25 PM
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