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Obey: No One Left to Kill in Iraq »
November 06, 2007
The Media Rediscovers Iraq For A Day
As Tony Snow pointed out, the media seemed to have lost interest in Iraq once the US started suffering fewer casualties. Unfortunately, yesterday was a bad day in Iraq with 5 Soldiers killed in IED attacks. Despite the fact that one day does not constitute a trend, the media is now able to take yesterday’s attacks and hook it to a story they must have been salivating to report: 2007 now the deadliest year for U.S. troops in Iraq.
CDR Salamander takes a look at the trends in Iraq and finds some graphics you are not likely to see in the MSM today or ever, including this one:
My guess is once this story fades, The Deciders will go back to talking about their new favorite storyline…“mercenaries”.

posted by DrewM. at
12:02 PM
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