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November 05, 2007
Again: Fake Hate Crime At GWU
Swastikas painted on her door. But who could the culprit be?
> After evaluating evidence from a hidden camera positioned in response to the swastika postings in Mitchell Hall, University Police have linked the student who filed the complaints to several of the incidents.
Following a final interview with investigators today, the student admitted responsibility for those incidents.
Maybe all this "hate" is due to the university refusing to take action against their last hate-hoaxers:
GWU failed to take action against seven students who perpetrated an anti-Muslim hoax against Young America's Foundation last month. Marshak's hate hoax began Oct. 23, and FBI agents were called to assist in the investigation.
Pathetic. Apparently now hate speech has more nuance than we used to think. If you can claim you were just trafficking in hateful symbols and statements to "raise awareness," you get off scot free. Even if your hoax winds up tearing up a university over the false allegations and costs tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in investigations.
Robert Chernak, senior vice president for Student and Academic Support Services has been previously quoted as stating:
"We have no tolerance for acts that threaten or vilify our students or any members of our community,"
Right, we'll have to see about that.