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November 05, 2007
Hollywood Looks To Remake "Death Wish," This Time With Stallone As Director And Star
Doubleplus Undead doesn't like the idea; I'll be happy if they just get Jeff Goldblum to reprise his role as a thug/rapist. (Yes, that was him.)
I don't mind that they're remaking Death Wish. They're remade it six thousand times under a variety of titles, and have recently turned to odd choices for the Crazed Vigilante role such as Kevin Bacon, Jennifer Lopez, and even Jodie F'n' Foster. So asking Stallone to remake Death Wish is a no-brainer; he already did that more or less with Cobra. Give him a chance to get it right.
I wonder if this is due to the writer's strike -- I know during the last one they remade Mission: Impossible as a TV show, just using the old show's scripts with very light changes.