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November 04, 2007
The Psychology Of Politicians
Why Are They So Disgusting To Normal People?
The somewhat rambling article mainly deals with how often odd sex scandals plague the political class. It floats some explanations we've come to expect.
* Politicians are generally less risk-averse than other people
* They tend to be thrill-seekers by nature, and this includes their sex life
* They tend to be 'alphas,' and greater sexual access naturally attends that position
Can't help but notice that morality was never directly addressed in the article.
Guess it's passe, but I'm gonna go ahead and add a couple moral bullet points for them.
* Political office all but demands that one be an unprincipled whore, so unprincipled whores are naturally drawn into politics
* Politics also attracts sociopaths who have no compunction about using people badly
I don't know that there's much to discuss here. The tone and direction of this piece just rubbed me the wrong way this morning.

posted by Laura. at
11:17 AM
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