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November 02, 2007
Vote early and often [dri] - Bumped
Bumped (Slublog) - Keep voting, morons. Fly! Fly!
Come on cats, it’s time to stand up and be counted! The 2007 Weblog Awards election is in progress and Ace of Spades HQ needs your MRSA encrusted hands to pull that lever and VOTE!

Everyone can vote once per category everyday up until polls close on November 8th. Don’t let those Code Pinker’s over at Michelle Malkin beat AoSHQ again this year just because they moved their fingers faster.
Simply follow this link and go down to the “Best Conservative Blog” category and vote for AoSHQ. You do not have to vote in every category if you do not want to and just “bullet vote” instead.
Please also consider voting for the Daily Kos for the “Most Polite and Politically Tolerant Blog” category. They deserve it.
More [Gabe]: dri beat me to it, so here are just a few extras:
The 2007 Weblog Awards have started. You may vote once per day per computer for the next week. Let's make a good-natured attempt at a respectable showing (yeah, I know you morons may need to look up "respectable" at thefreedictionary).
As dri said, Ace is in the "Best Conservative Blog" category; his major competition is Captain's Quarters and Michelle Malkin.
I also encourage you to stop over in the "Best New Blog" category and vote for Nice Deb, one of the moron-commenters who has an amusing site of her own.
Moron-coblogger Slublog is hiding down in the "Best of the Rest" category.
Finally, I've stickied a link to the voting in the Headlines for the next seven days for your convenience (and until Ace gets around to removing the link to last years awards on the right).

posted by xgenghisx at
10:46 PM
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