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November 01, 2007
The Longest Morning
The American Spectator has the gripping and moving story of four American Soldiers who fought of an attack by Al Qaeda fighters in Iraq (yes Democrats, they do exist). Though they obviously didn’t know it at the time, they also prevented a terrorist plot to upstage Gen. Petraeus’ Washington testimony with Tet style attack.
On the northwest corner of the apartment complex, Moser was watching the road in front of the building through a cut in the roof wall. As he looked down, he saw a white car speed up to the corner of the building. Four men holding AK-47 assault rifles (at least two of whom had long beards -- a distinctly non-Iraqi trait) emerged from the vehicle and sprinted toward the building's entrance. Seeing this, Moser immediately yelled to the others that enemy fighters were below. Morley, who along with Willis had been positioned next to the stairwell, raced to Moser's corner of the building to assess the situation and if possible to engage, but could not move quickly enough to prevent the men on the ground from making it into the building.
Suddenly, machine gun fire erupted from both of the stairwells behind them.
This story is long but well worth the read. Thanks to the Spectator for running it and making it available (it’s their November cover story). Just as importantly, kudos for calling the enemy exactly what they are, ‘animals’. Twice in one piece in fact.
It seems that stories coming out of Iraq and Afghanistan either portray Soldiers as victims, casualties or criminals. It’s rare that we get a glimpse of the courage, determination and valor of our fighting men and women. We need more of this and to say it’s the least we can do for those who sacrifice so much for us is the understatement of a lifetime.

posted by DrewM. at
10:24 AM
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