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October 27, 2007
Selective Outrage At The LAT: Paper Continues Pounding Glen Beck, Doesn't Notice Outrageous Statements By Liberal Radio Hosts About the California Wildfires
"Don't blame the fire victims," they say.
Fair enough.
But if the LAT is really concerned about extreme polticization of a disaster, perhaps they can spare a paragraph or two to chastise Air America hosts Malloy and Rhodes for claiming "the Bush crimefamily" and Blackwater for started the fires to either 1) build a new complex or 2) "distract" us.
Otherwise people might get the idea that the LAT is as guilty of using tragedy for political purposes as anyone else.
No, really. They said that. That's not spin and it's not distorting their comments. Rhodes claimed Blackwater started the fires to build a new corporate HQ, and Malloy claimed "elements of the Bush crime family" set the fires to "distract" us, I guess from all the good news coming out of Iraq.