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September 25, 2007
First Rule of Being an Extra on Indian Jones 4: Don’t Talk About Indiana Jones 4
Apparently Tyler Nelson, who plays the pivotal role of "Dancing Russian Soldier", thought his career prospects would be enhanced by violating the terms of his non-disclosure agreement and telling his local paper what he saw while on set.
It seems that Steven Spielberg is not amused
Spielberg's spokesman, Marvin Levy, wouldn't say whether any of Nelson's spoilers are accurate, but noted: "Who knows whether that particular person will ever work in this town again?"
I really thought they only said things like that in movies.
The paper says they took the spoilers off their website to protect a hometown boy. Ain’t it Cool News also posted them but took them down, presumably to protect their ‘access’ and not Nelson.
The New York Post has no such qualms and printed the ‘spoilers’. You can see them below, though there’s nothing all that Earth shattering.
· Indy, played once again by Harrison Ford, and the Soviet army are both searching for a priceless skull made of crystal in the jungles of South America.
· The Russians take Indy hostage and then blackmail him by threatening to kill his ex-girlfriend and mother of his son, Marion Ravenwood, portrayed by Karen Allen. Cast as the son is Shia LaBeouf.
· Cate Blanchett plays an evil Russian who grills Indy. "I saw Harrison Ford strapped to a chair and being interrogated," Nelson told the paper.

posted by DrewM. at
03:50 PM
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