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September 25, 2007
San Francisco says No to Marine Commercial
Just put this in the headlines, but I guess it deserves a post of its own. The San Francisco Film Commission has decided the streets of their fine city are just too pristine to be sullied by Marines and their recruiting efforts.
City officials barred members of the U.S. Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon from shooting a recruiting advertisement in San Francisco, according to KGO-TV.
A police official tells the station that Stefanie Coyote, the head of the San Francisco Film Commission, would only give the camera crew permission to film a city street if they didn't have any military personnel in the shot.
"This -- a slap in the face of every veteran and every parent of men and women who are doing their duty -- is shameful," says police Capt. Greg Corrales, a Marine veteran who commands the city traffic bureau.
They filmed near the Golden Gate area and they will insert
soldiers Marines into street scenes during post-production.
Now, the Film Commission of San Francisco is under no obligation to allow Marines to film a commercial in their city, but that doesn't make their actions any less shameful. I wonder if their anti-military sentiments will be as strong if a future natural disaster makes sending in the National Guard necessary?
This story does raise an obvious question. If the city of San Francisco won't play nice with the military, why does the military reward them with a large event that dumps tons of cash into that city's economy?

posted by Slublog at
02:00 PM
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