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September 10, 2007
LA Times Columnist David Rieff pines for the Death of American Supremacy
There is nothing, nothing I say, not a goddammed thing to suggest that the American Experience is exceptional.
This is what leftist apologists eat for breakfast and lunch, and make a big stinky with, something to drop on your dining room table the next day.
We are the Romans (the filthy Scandis are gathering in the north!). We are the Brits, and we will get our comeuppance (how the fuck is that spelled?) at Islandwana any day now.
I left out the Spanish, but honestly who's impressed with their track record?
All Hegemons™ get what's coming to them. All of them.
The Chinese cannot take us on, they are too busy beating rabid dogs to death in the streets. Their interests are regional.
This wordsmithing is what passes for thinking at the LAT:
the only way one can believe that geopolitics will not also become multipolar is to believe that the U.S. is somehow exempt from what seems one of history's few ironclad laws. And that is not analysis; that is faith.
This silly douche had to work in the word "faith" into his analysis. He was feeling that tender.
It's more leftist pap, he moves from one goalpost to the next. My personal favorite, his assertion that military strength is fast becoming an anachronistic measure of weakness.
That one will make you laugh.
Whatever. The cockatiel will shit on this tomorrow, and that's more attention that it deserves. They cannot bear the idea, cannot wrap their warped brains around it, that "good and decent" can be a guiding principle. It is anathema.
David Rieff is the author of many books, none of which have been quoted on the floor of the US Senate, but he's young, and fate may smile upon him yet.

posted by Dave In Texas at
08:29 PM
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