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September 03, 2007
Acepalooza Stuff
Note: For those who don't know, this is happening in Boston.
I spent Saturday and Sunday scouting possibilities for the Acepalooza. A pub crawl without drinking.
I just wanted people to know it is being worked on, and I plan to hit a few more places Tuesday night. By Wednesday or Thursday the place will be selected.
I walked around for an hour and a half in the area around South Station, thinking that might be an ideal area for it, since it's so convenient by T and parking (and directly from the airport). The place is a ghostland after business hours, though. It's ridiculous. I expected it to be a bit like Wall Street in NY, which is a ghostland after dark too but there are places open here and there. Not so directly around South Station.
It's really very hard to find a perfect place. I still have to check out some of the suburban hotel bars, but having checked several of them, they seem too dead -- quiet, yes, but maybe so quiet as to lower the mood of a crowd.
And he surburban ones won't offer people the possibility of going to another place after the party.
PS: Remember to please let LauraW know if you're coming or have decided to cancel. She's at laurawtips at gmail dot com.
Alas... The top place on my list fell through. They won't reserve a room and will only reserve a couple of long tables. Which would be fine, except when you consider it's one of the weekends all the college kids come back to Boston and will be a mob scene.