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August 27, 2007
The Laser Sniper Rifle With A 5 Mile Range; May Be Ready For Field Use By 1982!
Yeah, 1982, sadly. Read on.
Neat. And it even looks awesome. Even if that is not really a picture of an actual laser rifle.
More from Danger Room:
Aimed like a rifle, it would silently burn a fatal, quarter-inch-wide hole in the body of an enemy soldier up to five miles away. "Once you've got him in your sights," says a TRW engineer, "you've got him. There are no misses."
One problem with that quote, as Danger Room points out: That killer quote is from an article from 1972.
So this really isn't news at all and no hand-held lasers appear to be coming soon. The 1972 article warned that these laser sniper rifles might take "a decade" to get into the field, and I guess we all know how that went.
So why am I linking it? Well, I like the picture. And I already wrote most of this post before finding out the "new" report on the "coming" laser sniper rifle was written before I was able to speak.
The facts may not be correct, but the narrative is just too awesome.
Via Hot Air's headlines.