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August 22, 2007
That Family Guy Star Wars Parody...
...can still be found here, at least until 20th Century Fox annoys the Bullwinkle Blog into taking it down.
Yeah... remember when I said I hear it's funny in that "very middling Family Guy sort of way?" Boy did I nail it. It's eh funny.
And for those who asked how long it would take for Seth McFarlane to work in an obvious joke equating the Empire with Bush/Cheney: Twenty seconds.
Count 'em. Twenty. The very first departure from the actual movie.
Did I Say "Eh" Funny? That might be overstating it.
Why do they call them TIE fighters?
Oh God.
Not only is that lame, they did that before on Robot Chicken. In the Emperor/Luke "Yo Mama" fight, the Emperor says "Yo' mama so dumb she thinks TIE fighters come from Bangkok." Thaaaiii... fighters. Ha, ha.
So lame. And yet Seth McFarlane swipes this.
It should be noted McFarlane was involved in that Robot Chicken thing, though. I'm pretty sure he does some of the voices.
Still. If you're going to steal, why not steal something worth stealing?