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August 18, 2007
John McCain: Life Isn't Fair
This is almost hard to watch.
McCain still trying to paint a positive picture of his campaign yesterday says "the money is coming in OK", and repeats the line about campaigns having their ups and downs.
Then he goes on to express his frustration that his perceived support for Bush and the war in Iraq is the reason he faltered. Hey why not? He's certainly getting help from the media with that.
“It’s entertaining, in that I was the greatest critic of the initial four years, three and a half years,” McCain said. “I came back from my first trip to Iraq and said, ‘This is going to fail. We’ve got to change the strategy’ to the one we’re using now. But life isn’t fair.”
No relationship at all to the Comprehensive Piece of Shit that the whole damned country screamed about for weeks?
Actually, he did acknowledge on Wednesday that immigration reform cost him support (in addition to his position on Iraq), and indicated his willingness to consider the opposing point of view.
"Look, I've got to do what I know is right for this country. These issues I have to take head-on," he said
Well Senator, you're half right. Sometimes life is fair.

posted by Dave In Texas at
09:46 AM
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