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August 16, 2007
Ha, Ha: Wonkette (The Real One With The Actual Vagina) Giggles Over Chickenhawk Insult
It all has to do with Lindsey Graham toting a pistol in Iraq, which of course he's supposed to do. That's not where the mirth lies, though.
Here's teh big funny/substantive analysis Wonkette gets paid money for:
Graham is actually an officer in the Air Force Reserve, so, you know, he's not -- in Iraq, at the moment, at least -- a civilian. Unlike the sons of some presidential candidates I could name.
Hey, babe? Chelsea Clinton is of military age as well, and her mother voted for the War in Iraq, and of course the War in Afghanistan, which all of you liberals claim to be so super-duper fans of. In fact, you never tire of telling us how you'd like to fight that war even super-duper harder (so long as it doesn't involve air-strikes on villagers, of course).
Why hasn't she signed up? I'm sure they could use a good woman in Kabul.
And, actually, Wonkette-- what debilitating physical condition keeps your very own husband from doing his part in Afghanistan? I'm sure he's a He Man and True Blue Patriot and all that; I'm sure he's far more manly, and far more supportive of fighting the "Real War" than I. (Liberals always tell me so.)
So how about it? How about pressuring your husband -- a fairly young and as far as I can tell able-bodied man perfectly capable of military service -- into enlisting?
Why is that? Why is it that liberals see no contradiction in forever claiming they're rabid champions of fighting the "real war" in Afganistan and finally defeating Al Qaeda but only conservatives have any obligation to actually fight in the war?
Looks like a hale young man to me. The nearsightedness might prevent him from being a pilot, but I'm pretty sure it's not pilots we need most right now, and neither the Army nor Marines will disqualify him for service so long as his vision is correctable up to minimum level.
If we're just going by the gross numbers, I'm pretty sure you'll find it is in fact conservatives, by lopsided majorities, actually fighting this war. The war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, and the smaller wars in Yemen and other hot-spots.
Seems to me like liberals have some enlisting to do if they wish to close the Warfighter Gap.
Perhaps Mr. Wonkette can be persuaded to carry a gun for America. As well as his liberal correligionists.
Or is he already busy "serving the national interest" editing the Congressional Quarterly?