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August 16, 2007
Video Dialogue: Beinert V. Goldberg on Beauchamp
If'n' you care.
I'm about halfway through. I'll digest the main points -- if there are any -- when it's done.
Not Worth It. Bryan at Hot Air will post on it in a couple of minutes. Save your time and read his digest.
Beinert claims "conservatives only claim this is untrue because they don't believe that war can change a man in negative ways" AND "conservatives claim we shouldn't have run these pieces EVEN IF THEY'RE TRUE because they hurt morale" or something, and, quite frankly, Goldberg challenges him pretty weakly.
On that first point? Would have been a good time to remind Beinert that Scott Beauchamp was "changed by war" before he got into war. Goldberg does mention that earlier, but I sure would have liked to have seen Beinert reminded of that as he's on his "war changes a man and conservatives are just silly to deny it" jag.
Bryan's Rip: is now up.