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August 15, 2007
Ize In UR Clips, Stealin UR Shiny Bullets: Photoshops Begin
"Disdain," by GeorgeG.
Quote Of The Gag:
Our troops are tossing bullets in fashion reminiscent of Jenjis Khan.
-- John Kerry
File It Under says when the US military wants to mock someone, they don't throw bullets. They throw the contents of their standard-issue Hippie-Baiting Kits.
Chairman Mow checks in. Apparently the Bullet Crone also got hit with shrapnel from a MOARC (Mother of All Rubber Chickens).
And he did this one too: "Magic Bacon."
From Jessica's Well, the breaking news that an "Apache attack copter" also strafed the Propaganda Crone's home: