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A Reply To Eugene Volokh, As Wel As Readers, Disputing My Reading of the Salon Article on Islamic Science »
August 13, 2007
High-Casualty Attacks Down 50% Since Start Of Surge
For a surge that isn't accomplishing anything it sure seems to be accomplishing something.
Michael Yon:
Large numbers of Iraqis detested us after the prisoner abuse stories, and some over-the-top attacks on Fallujah, for example. But through time, somehow the American military has managed to establish a moral authority in Iraq. It’s not the only authority, but the military has serious and increasing moral clout. In the beginning, our influence flowed from guns, or dropped from the wings of jets. Later it was the money. Today, the clout still is partially from the gun, and definitely the money is key, but there is an intangible and growing moral clout and it flows from an increasing respect among Iraqis for our military. Washington has no moral clout in Iraq. Washington looks like a circus act. The authority is coming from our military. The importance of this fact would be difficult to understate.
It seems that Al Qaeda and the Sadrists have been a crucial part of our infowar efforts, simply by being themselves.
As I've noted before: The left is fond of claiming that American action only creates "more terrorists." Do they ever pause to consider that terrorist action often creates more anti-terrorists?
Meanwhile, Matt Sanchez is ambushed in Sadr City by a gaggle of adorable children.
Admittedly the latter video doesn't really prove anything. The plural of anecdote is not "data" and all that. Still, it's accurate and real reportage from the front, something that TNR has proven is very hard to come by.