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August 09, 2007
Fake KKK-Friendly Site Supposedly In Support of Thompson Goes Up; Strong Evidence Links This Deceitful, Disgusting Dirty Trick To John Edwards Supporter
The Captain.
Hot Air.
I'm still catching up with this. I have nothing to say except this: the MSM gave huge play to the absurd "subliminal" message supposedly found in a Bush campaign ad in, I believe, 2000.
This goes well beyond that. Well beyond. Further, there is absolutely no question of intent here.
I expect the MSM to give this equal play. Any. Minute. Now.
Jumped The Gun By A Country Mile: I read too much into the fact this domain now links to John Edwards' site. Hence my initial belief that this was actually an Edwards campaign trick is off-base. We know nothing more than the liberal Democrat Move-On lovin' guy who did this is now linking John Edwards -- and even that may be a trick. He may be trying to deflect the fallout from his actual preferred Democratic nominee to the hapless Edwards.
I guess I also don't expect the media to give this huge play -- unless it goes further than it now does. But it certainly should give it some play.
I apologize to everyone for the initial hyped-up out-of-my-ass speculation. I hadn't even finished reading the whole story before I began lurching into half-assed accusatory question mode.