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August 05, 2007
Another Bit of Success in Iraq (Drew)
Harry Reid, John Murtha and the rest of the Democrats use the word ‘failing’ a lot when they talk about Iraq. I do not think it means what they think it means:
COMBAT OUTPOST RAWAH, Iraq — The commander of a U.S. Marine Corps unit in Iraq wants to have his Marines begin patrolling without helmets and with less body armor.
…(Lt. Col. Kelly) Alexander said a change to a “soft posture” can now be considered because the security situation has improved significantly in recent months. That is especially so in local cities where the Marines work closely with an ever-growing Iraqi police force and where residents have shown a newfound willingness to tip the police to insurgent activity.
And no moonbats, this doesn’t mean everything is hunky-dory in Iraq and all the problems are solved. What it does mean is that whether the left, Congressional Democrats or the MSM recognize it (and I apologize for the redundancy), progress is being made. Be honest, if someone had said Marines in Anbar would be ditching helmets and some body armor six months, hell, three months ago they would have been laughed at and rightly so.
It wasn’t that long ago that Anbar was the wild, wild west. It was one of the most dangerous places in the world, a place where al Qaeda was thriving and a lot of Americans were dying. Today, thanks to the hard work and dedication of our servicemen and women, the local Iraqis and of course the thuggish brutality of al Qaeda, things are very, very different.
Hat Tip: The Tank

posted by xgenghisx at
06:33 PM
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