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August 04, 2007
Texas Adds "One State, Under God" To Texas State Pledge [Sinistar @ doubleplusundead]
This is an interesting story.
I'm honestly not sure what to think about it.
I think its part reactionary, which I'm conflicted on, on one hand its throwing a big middle finger to whiny militant secularists, which I like, but on the flipside, I get squeamish about being too reactionary. I believe the state of Texas has the right to do it, and I don't think the words added to the pledge should itself be challenged, though it likely will.
I guess where I stand is, if this is a genuine expression (and I'm sure for some it is) I'm fine. If it is simply flipping off the obnoxious secular types in a move to garner support, I have to say, I'm uncomfortable with it, as I believe God and a pledge to a state in the greatest nation are simply too important to be used as pawns in a chess game with obnoxious secularists, even if the opposition uses those same tactics.
Much of this conflicted feeling I think springs from my eternal skepticism about the character, motive and intent of our political elite, and that drives this line of questioning. I actually have this cross-posted at doubleplusundead
I even got a Headlines link at HotAir, which sparked some decent debate, but I'd love to see what you morons have to say about it. I'm still not sure what I think (which is rare, because I almost always have an opinion on something), which is why I've been sending this around.

posted by xgenghisx at
12:48 PM
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