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Missing Bleg Post »
August 01, 2007
Christopher Walken Cooks A Chicken The Only Way He Knows How: With Creepy Menace
Link at Mesablue, who also has the clip from Walken's new movie, "Balls of Fury."
Allah had this a couple of days ago but I watched it without sound and had no idea Christopher Walken was in it.
Related is this very very old Onion bit, where Christopher Walken explains his passion for hot dogs. Kinda cute, but not as funny as I remember it.
It's also not on the Onion anymore, or at least I can't find it.
How To Talk Like Christopher Walken: Any help at all with a decent Chris Walken impression is appreciated. Starts about 2:45. He's kind of disorganized and scatterbrained, but he seems to know how to do it.
Thanks to dri for that.
I Still Can't Do It. Damn.
God, This Kid Needs To Get A Grip: His Walken impersonation is... okay, but most of his impressions are just bad.