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August 01, 2007
And Yet Another Conspiracy Theory: War In Iraq Not Just For Oil, But For Iraq-Israel Oil Pipeline
Every US war is fought for oil, the left claims. Where a country has oil, obviously, the war is fought to take their oil. (Oddly, we never seem to take the oil, but rather continue paying very high market prices for it.)
Where there is no oil, then, of course, the war must be for an oil pipeline. After all, the US really, really cares if there's an oil pipleline running through Afghanistan to the Caspian Sea. It's so crucial to us that countries on the Caspian Sea have an uninterrupted supply of oil.
Of course, it's double-plus better if we can both take someone's oil and build an oil pipeline to boot.
My Pet Jawa writes:
Apparently there really is a meme machine on the Left. How else do you explain the fact that at least three Lefty blogs all jumped on a very old story about reopening an oil pipeline that used to run between Iraq and what is now Israel? The story was actually first published on Auguest 25, 2003---nearly four years ago. Oh, and the pipeline never got built. It never got past the exploratory phase after which all agreed it was, literally, a pipe dream.
TPM Cafe uses the old story to say this today:
So this is one of the main reasons American troops are dying in action. Action directed against Iraqi civilians. Actions that have killed close to ONE MILLION Iraqi civilians to date and laid waste to that nation.
All of this death and destruction so Iraqi oil could be shipped to Israel. My, that must be a comforting thought to all of those parents still grieving the loss of their son or daughter, killed in action. Killed fighting not for Democracy, but for Israel.
So, how did this old story happen to hit the Leftosphere on the same day? Doesn't that strike you as peculiar?
Hmmmm... Mickey Kaus was just criticizing Ezra Klein for creating an "elite" lefty bloggers only mailing list which would create and coordinate memes to be propagated throughout the sinistrosphere.
Connected? Who knows. As it's a secret message-coordinating list, how would anyone know?
In fact, how does anyone know they didn't plot to poison Roberts with convulsants?