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July 31, 2007
Pointy-Head Geeks Discuss What Some Other Pointy-Heads Wrote In The New York Times Newspaper
Look at them. Not a one of them has anything better to do than type type type all the doo-dah day like secretaries.
As such, the O’Hanlon-Pollack report makes plain one other truth: Those who persist in denying that General David Petraeus’s counterinsurgency strategy is having the desired, salutary effect and who insist that our defeat is inevitable are promoting a self-fulfilling prophesy. They are so determined to score domestic political points by unilaterally ending the conflict in Iraq that they are prepared to surrender the country to al Qaeda and various Shiite militias and their respective Saudi, Iranian and Syrian enablers.
Public-opinion polling and anecdotal evidence suggests that Americans are beginning to appreciate the true nature — and potentially enormous costs — of the surrender in Iraq being advocated by many Democrats and a few Republicans.
That's from some secretary named Frank Gaffney. This one is from some other guy named Michael Yon.
I have had the feeling for more than a month that top U.S. leadership in Iraq has been being cautious not to show too much optimism at this time. However, I have seen changes with my own eyes in Nineveh, Anbar, and Diyala that are more fundamental than just winning battles. In Nineveh, the enemies of a united Iraq are still strong and vibrant, but the Iraqi army and police in Nineveh clearly are improving faster than the enemy is improving. In other words, the Iraqi Security Forces are winning that particular race. Out in Anbar, the shift actually began to occur last year while Special Forces and other less-than-visible operators, along with conventional forces such as the Marines, began harnessing the mood-shift of the tribes. Whereas in Nineveh the fight has been more like a race and test of endurance, in Anbar the outcome was more like an avalanche. Parts of Diyala, such as Baqubah, witnessed avalanche-like positive changes beginning on June 19 with Operation Arrowhead Ripper. I witnessed the operation and was given full access.
I don't see what the problem is. If the terrorists start acting up, you suplex 'em. Iraqi parliament? Suplex 'em. Harry Reid? Suplex 'im, then face-stomp him, then climb up the walls of the Octogon and power-slam him with an elbow from about twelve foot yay high.
Then again, I'm a man of action. I've got better things to do than write in a journal like a twelve-year-old girl.
Like clean up all this filthy ferret musk off me. The little horny bastards are all rutting and they're spraying their weasel-smegma everywhere. The whole joint stinks of rodent balls and feet.

posted by Rich "Psycho" Giamboni at
01:26 PM
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