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July 27, 2007
Andrew Sullivan's Mindthoughts In Real Time
The violent evolutions of the Jesus-complexed shill over an hour:
Jeri Trouble
27 Jul 2007 09:15 am
The Thompson campaign has had its first mini-implosion before it has even started. The wife is the problem, it appears.
Scott Thomas Update
27 Jul 2007 09:55 am
Well, I trawled through the various knuckle-dragging websites and there's still no actual, you know, evidence that he fabricated anything. Maybe he did. First-person war-stories are always hard to verify beyond a shadow of a doubt, no? But if Malkin can't dredge up something and fling it by now, no one can. Unhinged bigot Ace tries dredging through others' private lives again. When in doubt, aim for the girlfriend.
Was it Abraham Lincoln who said no man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar?
Those posts are back-to-back, by the way. Does even Sullivan himself bother reading his blog anymore?
In any event, Fred Thompson enjoyed a colorful, far-ranging sex life, as I'm sure we'll all soon find out.
Brainwashed! In 24 Hours!:
One of my own errors before the war was a function of being steeped in Washington policy debates - and neo-conservative arguments - for years. I had been so conditioned to suspect Iraq after 9/11 that my skepticism deserted me. I mentioned Saddam on September 12. The result was that the prelude to the Iraq war was far too easily framed by the information and biases of the Beltway elite, the Pentagon establishment, and the neocon brain-trust.
Note it was all someone else's fault he was "conditioned" by the "neo-con brain-trust" to suspect Saddam.
Now, in fairness, he's saying he was conditioned "for years," not in the 24 hour period after 9/11.
However, part of this "conditioning" was during the Clinton Administration, which, as you may recall, bombed an aspirin factory in the Sudan based on its public claim of verified intelligence of the plant being a joint Al Qaeda/Saddam Hussein chem/bio terrorist weapons factory.
Clitnon was part of the "neo-con brain trust."
Who knew?