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July 19, 2007
*Finally!* The First "Brokered Convention?" Article Is Here
Every four years, like clockwork, we're told this could finally be the year where a nomination fight goes down to the wire and two (or more) contenders stumble into a convention withs some support but not enough to the win, and then come the back-room deals and multiple ballot votes and even a hitherto non-candidate being nominated by acclimation.
So here's the first one of the 2008 season.
Interesting nugget: Giuliani actually looks stronger than I'd thought. With the winner take all systems in states he's currently leading in (and likely to stay ahead in, like NY and NJ), and assuming he wins in Florida, he's got a pretty firm hold on something like half the delates he needs to win the nomination, most of those being awarded fairly early in the process.
Of course, Fred! could wind up with a nearly equal number, and Romney could swipe a few states too, leading to a... brokered convention.