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July 17, 2007
Rosie O'Donnell's Would-Be Makeover For Price Is Right? "Gay It Up"
So surprising she didn't get the gig. She's now contradicting her previous claim that she was offered the job but turned it down:
Taking away her seat on "The view" can't shut up Rosie O'Donnell, as she loves the attention way to much. She s again trying to push up the banter and hyperbole and now claims that CBS rejected her because she wanted to take "The Price is Right" and turn it gay.
She tries the woes is me angle again. She says, "In the end, they turned me down because CBS thought I was too controversial. Which wouldn’t have been the case — I just wanted to ‘gay it up.’ I wasn’t going to give away a TV set and rant, 'So you can watch George Bush and Dick Cheney lie to America on it!'"
More: What did O’Donnell propose? For starters, she wanted to eliminate Bob Barker’s beauties in favour of Broadway chorus men, confetti, musical bumpers and a much-needed set makeover.
No doubt that's what millions of retirees and housewives are clamoring for: in your face gay camp.*
* Admittedly, they do seem to like Richard Simmons.