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July 12, 2007
Geraghty Goes for the Jugular
When I first heard about the anti- Rudy Giuliani video made by a firefighter's union, I thought it might do some damage to the former mayor's candidacy. And it might have, had they not gone completely over the top in their criticism.
Jim Geraghty reviews and dissects the video here. It's not pretty. Sounds like what could have been a harmful line of attack turned into an all-out Giuliani Derangement Syndrome party and Geraghty calls them on it:
Schaitburger begins, "One candidate is running on what he perceives as his 9/11 credentials."
Right. Rudy's credentials are only a matter of his own perception. Yeah, the former mayor's the only guy in the country who thinks he showed any leadership or grit under fire that day. Oh, and Time magazine, when they named him Man of the Year...
But yeah, Rudy is only perceived as a great leader by himself. And Democrats like Andrew Cuomo.
And Chelsea Clinton, who declared "I thanked God that my mother was a senator representing New York, and that Rudy Giuliani was our mayor." (Interview with Talk magazine, December 2001.)
And the Queen of England.
I have great respect for the firefighters of New York, no matter what their views on politics or Rudy are, but I'm not persuaded by, "He's running on his 9/11 leadership, and there was lacking, and there was none" and "Whenevah I hear him talk, I just wanna scream out to the world, 'God, he's so full of it.'"
They charge that "Rudy Giuliani's urban legend begins on February 26, 1993, when al-Qaeda terrorists bomb the World Trade Center." Of course, while their careful phrasing suggests that Rudy was AWOL that day, they neglect to mention that the mayor of New York City in 1993 was David Dinkins.
I encourage you to read the whole thing. If this video and the
continued hit pieces on Republican candidates are any indication of what's to come, this is going to be one of the nastiest campaigns in recent memory.
And in other campaign news, John McCain's week just got worse.

posted by Slublog at
12:39 PM
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