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July 06, 2007
Hong Kong Woman Blinds Straying Lover In One Eye Six Years Ago, Now Stabs A Chopstick Into The Other One To Complete The Set
Actually, she got the hat-trick. The day before she stabbed him in his already-blinded left eye, then decided she'd like that one back, and so went for the working one.
Her defense was, I'm guessing, an obsessive-compulsive disorder about neatness and symmetry.
A Hong Kong woman who blinded her boyfriend in one eye in a fight six years ago has been jailed for jabbing a chopstick into his other eye, a newspaper reported on Wednesday.
Last November, Po Shiu-fong, 58, accused long-time boyfriend Kwok Wai-ming, 49, of having an affair, the South China Morning Post reported.
During the row, Po stabbed a plastic chopstick into his left eye, which she had already blinded six years ago when she poked it with her finger.
"Po became hysterical when she saw the wound and mopped it with a towel. The pair then went to bed," the paper said.
"The next morning they had another argument in which she grabbed a chopstick and stabbed Kwok's right eye," it said.
Authorities believe it was the line "Who are you going to believe, me or your own lying eyes?" that set her off.
Thanks to Blacksheep.