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July 05, 2007
Global Freezing: Catastrophic Cooling Turned Idyllic Forest of Greenland Into Barren Icewaste of Death
There's another low-key, non-sensationalist headline, of the sort I've seen in the MSM.
But really, we have to stop this "runaway cooling" before Manhattan lies dead beneath thirty feet... of ice. Only cockroaches and Scandis will survive the Holofrost, and we can't have that.
ce-covered Greenland really was green a half-million or so years ago, covered with forests in a climate much like that of Sweden and eastern Canada today.
An international team of researchers recovered ancient DNA from the bottom of an ice core that indicates the presence of pine, yew and alder trees as well as insects.
The researchers, led by Eske Willerslev of the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, say the findings are the first direct proof that there was forest in southern Greenland.
Included were genetic traces of butterflies, moths, flies and beetles, they report in Friday's edition of the journal Science.
The material was recovered from cores drilled through ice 1.2 miles thick at a site called Dye 3 in south central Greenland. Ice cores from another site farther north, 1.8 miles deep, did not yield any DNA.
Greenland was discovered by Vikings sailing from Iceland about 1,000 years ago. While it had an ice cap then, the climate was relatively mild and they were able to establish colonies in coastal areas. Those colonies later vanished as the climate cooled.