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July 05, 2007
Study: Women Never Shut Their Yammering Pieholes
Okay, so that's a wildly inaccurate headline; I learned that from the MSM. Actually, the study puports to debunk the claim that women talk more than men... although, by a smallish amount, it proves they really do talk more than men.
The stereotype of men as being strong and silent, and women as talkative and gossipy, has been overturned by a detailed study of how many words they utter every day.
As well as showing that when it comes to yakking, men chat just as much as women, it also reveals that women’s conversations are more about people, relationships and networking, whereas men’s tend to be more about showing off, tools or cars.
The new research overturns the oft-cited notion that women talk significantly more than men, with the former supposedly using 20,000 words a day compared with the former’s paltry 7000 words.
Over eight years, Dr Mehl’s team recorded the conversations of nearly 400 American and Mexican male and female university students.
To catch all of their chit-chat, they developed an electronically-activated recorder that digitally, and unobtrusively, logged their conversations.
The results: women in the study spoke a daily average of 16,215 words during their waking hours, versus an average of 15,669 words for men.
Although women still win, the margin is not statistically significant.
I can assure you those excess 546 words are quite significant. My own research proves that those extra half-thousand words are just enough to put men near the breaking point.