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July 03, 2007
Again: "Diverse" Group Brings Terrorism To Britain
Ah, yes. The return of diverse groups drawn from all strata of society. No commonalities between them whatsoever.
Diverse group allegedly in British plot
[um, only the media is "alleging" the "diversity" of this group]
LONDON - They had diverse backgrounds, coming from countries around the globe, but all shared youth and worked in medicine. They also had a common goal, authorities suspect: to bring havoc and death to the heart of Britain.
The eight people held Tuesday in the failed car bombing plot include one doctor from Iraq and two from India. There is a physician from Lebanon and a Jordanian doctor and his medical assistant wife. Another doctor and a medical student are thought to be from the Middle Eas
This diverse-group-from-all-strata-of-society is even stupider than most. Given, of course, they're all radical Muslims, which is a non-diverse factor right there. But even if we ignore that point -- which this article, of course, strains to do -- all of the members of the group were 1, doctors or spouses of doctors, 2, ergo educated, 3, specifically educated in the Middle East, who 4, had come to Britain, to 5, work in Britain's NHS.
So, let's see: Same area of origin, same profession, same level of education, same employer, same country of residence, same religion, same ideology, same social class, same (we can guess) income level.
Same native language, same status as immigrant workers, same pathway to their jobs, same social circles. (Two of the bombers had been introduced years before by their fathers, who were friends.)
Same hobbies and interests: Chiefly, mass murder.
Has there in all of human history been a less diverse group of people?
In what way were these motherfuckers dissimilar at all? What, one favored fuel-air bombs while another was partial to nitrates?
Thanks to steve_in_hb. It's gone from dark comedy to black farce at this point.

A diverse group of Clone Troopers, sharing identical
DNA, birthplace, schooling, training, experience, employer,
tactics, armament, and psychological profie,
drawn from wildly differing strata of a clone hostaery,
are the principle suspects in executing the Jedi-murdering "Order 66."